Jan 26, 2013

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Healthy Skinny Grocery List

So every blog and website has one of these, and I may as well get it over with quickly and early. What do I buy at the supermarket?
Now, these lists seem a little pointless without any context, so let me frame it first. The number one thing I do when going on a diet is to get rid of all the white carbs in the house. Now, if you have a different binge-food, of course get rid of that, but as someone who cooks for herself at home, white carbs are the enemy.

 Sometimes I toss them out, sometimes I give them to friends, sometimes I just put them in the freaking attic to forget about them. Whatever it takes. Actually, if we're being honest, sometimes I just eat them in massive quantities during that special time of "oh god what's happened to me?!" which comes before any diet.

The point is, get them out of the house, and DON'T BUY THEM AGAIN. For me, the real killer is pasta. I can cook a perfectly healthy and low-calorie meal, then ruin it by "accidentally" making a giant portion of pasta that I can't resist. So I just don't buy it.

Other things I don't buy? Bulk anything. No huge portions of meat, no huge packs of veggies, no loafs of bread. No boxes of crackers. I recently read some studies (like, real scientific shit, not from a magazine) which talked about "hoarding" food. Basically, if you have a huge stockpile of food, you feel kind of pressured to eat it. Whereas if you live on the edge of not having any food at home, you feel pressured to save it. Makes sense to me. I can eat 90% of a loaf of bread in 3 days, and then the last slice will last for a week because I don't want to buy another loaf.

So, small amounts, no crap. Last principle is "taste the rainbow." You can usually take a guess at what vitamins and minerals a veggie contains based on color. So I don't bother thinking about that shit and just buy a rainbow of fruit and veg for the week.

Finally.... The List.

  •  1 head of cabbage
  • 4 heads of broccoli
  • 1 tomato product (paste or fresh)
  • oranges
  • apples
  • spinach (not much- this alternates with broccoli for "green")
  • enough fish or shrimp for 3ish meals
  • eggs
  • onions
  • low fat milk
  • chicken or beef, enough for 2ish meals
  • cheese
 I know cheese is the enemy, but adding 100cal worth of a good cheese to an otherwise extremely "diety" meal of veggies makes me feel like I actually ate.  So replace "cheese" in this list with that one item you love, that's hard to binge on.  E.g. I don't buy a 5lb bag of shredded cheddar, I buy a small block of romano.

Of course there's a secondary list of things that I just keep in the house, which don't need to be bought every week.  Some of these include:
  • splenda
  • coffee
  • sugar / flour / corn starch / spices
  • sauces
  • teas
And more.  Just the normal stuff everyone has.

So that's it. 

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Anonymous said...

I loved reading this and I like your writing style so much!
Thank you!

Maja @ Myproana

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